Google Adsense

If you want to know how to Work at Home using Google Adsense read carefully.
in the beginning you need to create your own website or blog and you should make sure that your site is able to have Google Ads on it because not all hosting services allow you to add Google Adsense ads to them.
Next you need to register to Google Adsense Program and submit you website link to it but you will have to wait until they have a review of your website/blog and approve your request. Once you get this done you will have to follow the steps and get Adsense ads codes and paste them in the location you want of your website/blog through HTML codes (You need to have a brief idea about HTML coding).
Once you get all this done you will start earning money from your visitors clicks. That means the more traffic you have the more potential ad clicks you will get. Clicks value depends on the locations of the clicks and the products/services that are showing up on the ad.

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